Grow with us
Along with the City of Fairmont, Marion County Master Gardeners, WVU Extension Office and Bee Keepers Association, and local girl scout troops, MCPARC will be opening up the garden gates for a public-use community garden for the 2024 growing season!
Groups and individuals who "rent" a raised garden bed will have access to the garden during any time. Public hours are available for visitors or anyone interested in learning more about the garden. In addition; programs, activities, and educational sessions will be available to participants at no cost. |
MCPARC's "Grow With Us" community garden program serves as an opportunity for community members and organizations to have access to raised-bed gardening, and provides individuals and groups with an environment to learn how to plant, nurture, tend to, and harvest fresh produce.
How to get started:
- Rent your bed! Beds will be rented until no longer available. Visit the garden during program operation hours, email [email protected] or call our Community Garden Coordinator at 681-753-8823. You can also use the registration link to request a bed and once your request is confirmed you will be directed to our payment link.
- Come to the Garden! After renting a bed, members are free to come, go, and grow during program hours throughout the growing season. Garden gates will be locked at all other times.
Things to know:
For the $35 rental fee, members will be provided materials necessary to have a successful garden bed. The following items are provided and shared amongst community garden members. Groups and individuals are welcome to bring their own supplies, tools, and seeds but personal items cannot be left at the garden unattended.
Summer Program Operation hours*
garden location
The garden is located off of Oliver Avenue near Coal Run on the west side. Parking at the site is limited. There is also walking access to the garden near 5th Street Park where a foot bridge crosses Coal Run.
614 Oliver Avenue, Fairmont, WV 26554
614 Oliver Avenue, Fairmont, WV 26554
PhoneCall 304-363-7037
Mailing AddressP.O. Box 1258
Fairmont, WV 26555 Physical Address1000 Cole Street, Suite B
Pleasant Valley, WV 26554 |
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